Why Worry Living Waters

Why Worry? God is at work in your life!

Why Worry Living Waters

There are times in the Christian walk when the Lord seems far away. The dew of His conscious presence no longer saturates the contemplations of our heart. The clouds of doubt, fear, unbelief, and worry hide the Son from us, and we feel all alone.  God, however, clearly tells us in His Word that He is ever present. Jesus said:  “Lo, I am with you always!’  It is His desire, His good pleasure to be with us.  When we have a sense of God’s nearness; His presence, we are unconquerable.

Worry is the trigger for fear, and fear is the nemesis of faith.  Faith or fear will always travel with us, but never together.  Faith causes fear to flee; fear paralyzes faith. The mediating difference is always a sense of God’s presence. When we sense His Nearness, fear flees, and faith arises. If you want to be distressed – look within; if you want to be defeated – look back;  if you want to be distracted – look around; if you want to be dismayed – look ahead. But if you want the courage to drive ahead – look up.  The power of the Holy Spirit within you, by God’s grace, is always greater than the task ahead.

Worry creates a chain reaction of fear, frustration, anger, doubt, faithlessness, despair, depression, hopelessness, revenge, guilt, rage, and much, much more.  When we worry our actions become uncertain and our thinking becomes clouded.1  The Apostle Paul tells us: do not be anxious about anything” (Phil, 4:6a – ESV) …. DON’T WORRY!

“Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything; tell God your needs and don’t forget to thank Him for His answers.  If you do this you will experience God’s peace, which is far more wonderful than the human mind can understand. His peace will keep your thoughts, your mind, and your hearts quite and at rest as you TRUST in CHRIST JESUS!”  (Philippians 4:6-9 – TLB).

Paul commands us, “Let your reasonableness be known to everyone!”  What is the reason we should do this?  Because “the Lord is at hand.” (Philippians 4:5).

First, he could be saying, “You need to display gracious humility to everyone because the Lord could come at any time.”  And even if He doesn’t come soon, then you will see Him when you die!  Paul could also mean “Let your gracious humility be on display for everyone because Christ is near you in that He indwells you.”God has a plan for your life!  That plan does not include doubt, defeat, despair or worry but an optimistic life filled with joy, peace, love and victory in the Holy Ghost.

Knowing Christ is near in this way, as well as knowing that He is coming again is motivation enough, reason enough, for us to display gracious humility in all of our relationships with one another in the church, at home, and in this world.

  1. P. Douglas Small, The Great Exchange (Kannapolis, NC: Alive Publications, 2016)
Written by: Pastor Ron Huffstetler

One Response to “Why Worry? God is at work in your life!”

  1. William Moser says:

    Excellent words of wisdom and truth!

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