An Attitude of Gratitude

Not only does it feel good to have a grateful outlook on life, but the benefits of gratitude are scientifically proven to affect everything from your relationships to your stress level to the quality of your sleep.

“What if Jesus Came Today?” Part Two

Rev. 22:20 says, “Even so come Lord Jesus.” The next great event on God’s program is the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ back to planet earth. His coming is sure, it will be selective, and it will be sudden. How blessed to know that if Jesus came today, we can be ready for Him and not be ashamed at His coming. It should be our prayer, as it was that of the Apostle John, that Jesus would come very soon. What will happen for the saints of God if Jesus came today?
- Burdens Would Be Eliminated! Notice the “no mores” in Rev. 21. Those things listed cause us to at times be burdened down in this life. A “burden” speaks of a “load” or “something that weighs down and oppresses.” Pain causes us burdens. Many folks live day and night with excruciating and annoying pain. Pressures in everyday life, as well, can bring us many heavy loads we never anticipated. Read more…

“What if Jesus Came Today?” Part One

The Apostle Paul’s letters to the Thessalonians is likely one of the earliest Christian documents. Even then, 1 Thessalonians makes it clear that Paul considers the suddenness of Christ’s return to be apparent to all believers. “…for you know very well,” he writes in 1 Thessalonians 5:2, “that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night.”

How to Stand Firm in Fiery Trials

Sometimes people have something bad happen in life and claim they’ve lost their faith because of it. Good! They need to get rid of that faith, because a faith that cannot be tested is a faith that cannot be trusted. When you face fiery trials, when things are not going your way, it is easy to lose faith and crumble. Real faith in a real God will not grow weaker through difficulty. It will only get stronger. That is the kind of faith we all need as Christians, because fiery trials will come our way. Trials produce something that easy times will not, and that is spiritual toughness.