Jan '20

Importance of Community {Connect Groups}
Jan '20

When God created the World, He saw what He did and said it was “good” except man being alone. That verse becomes more significant when we look at the context of it…in Genesis 1, God creates everything in six days and six times he declares that what He has made is GOOD. Then at the end of those days, He said what He had created was “Very Good” (Gen 1:31). He says over and over that His creation is good and then for the first time He says something is “not good”. Man being alone was not good – it is not what God intended. The Bible doesn’t say it is not good to be single, it says it is not good to be alone. We are created to be in a community, a family, a relationship.
Studies show that young adults/millennials are the loneliest people in today’s society. The average person has 338 “friends” on Facebook but that same sample shows that 30% say they frequently feel lonely. It is up to us to eliminate that loneliness! We are called to be is a body, a community. A community is a group of people who are committed to being a part of your life, seeking what’s best for you, no matter what. They care enough to speak the truth even if the truth is hard to hear and love you enough to provide love, tough love if needed. Read more…