Jul '18

Look Beyond the Dark
Jul '18

Life seems to be plunged into deep, dark despair. Constant anger, criticism, hateful speech – it is enough to press one into isolation. But when one views life through the lens of the life giver. The way is made clear, the truth shines as bright as the noon day sun and life becomes vibrant.
The source of life is Jesus of Nazareth, the Son of God. He gave Himself to bring light to the darkness, hope to the hopeless, peace to the anxious and holiness to
the broken. Read more…
the broken. Read more…
Jul '18

Confusion Breeds Discontent
Jul '18

Confusion is a state of mind brought on by uncertainty, relativism, egocentrism, and fear. When one has no foundation which is immutable, no truth which is transcendent, and no standard that does not vacillate the only logical conclusion – confusion.
Proverbs 3:5-6 Gives you all you need to be clear eyed. “Trust in the LORD, with all your heart and lean not to your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path.” Read more…