Be Glad and Rejoice

Psalm 118:24 says, “This is the day that the Lord has made, Let us Rejoice and be glad in it.”

Gratitude is an everyday action, done in the present with celebration.  The reason for daily gratitude is God has made each day therefore it is good.  God is the personification of goodness, there is not evil in Him. The day from our perspective may not be good because of negative circumstances, volatile emotions or spiritual dryness.  We live in God therefore we are blessed. We have to choose to rejoice because of our relationship with God.

There is a chorus I like “I am blessed, I am blessed every day that I live I am blessed.  When I rise up in the morning till I lay my head to rest, I am blessed.”

Be glad and Rejoice!
Written By: PAstor Jim Brewer

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