1 Timothy 2:1-2 “I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people-for king and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in a godliness and holiness.”
When I think of the upcoming seasons, I think of warmth and excitement. This time of year is such an exciting one. The sad thing is, usually Thanksgiving gets overlooked by Christmas. We overlook the season of thankfulness and focus on a season of receiving. Isn’t that odd?
This isn’t to say that everyone is the same, or that everyone is guilty-but rather a generalized observation about this time of the year. A season of thankfulness tends to get swallowed up. I believe this also happens in our lives on a day-to-day basis. The verse from above states that “thanksgiving be made for all people,” yet it doesn’t also say “But only in November.” Walking in thanksgiving isn’t intended for a season only; and it especially isn’t to be glossed over when it is given a season.
1 Timothy 2:1-2 states the importance of thanksgiving, prayer, intercession, and petitions. It also states that all people should walk this out, not just certain ones; and that we walk in thanksgiving at all times, not just certain times.
The Bible is very clear that Thanksgiving is to be in our heart at all time. We should wake up thinking of how grateful we are of God. Thanksgiving is just a formal word for giving worship to God in a very intentional way. It’s important that we live our lives in a thankful manner. Thankful for our families, thankful for waking up in the morning, thankful for full bellies and friends. More than all of that… being thankful to God. We live in a time where there is an attack on our joy. I am convinced that if we were to walk in thanksgiving more consistently then things might be different.
My challenge to you is to make thanksgiving a part of your every day life. No longer should we boast about the things that we lack, but the things that we have. Take every moment & opportunity you have this week to brag about what God is doing in your life, or what He has already done. Work on flipping the script when a conversation goes down a negative route. Instead of focusing on the bad, focus on the good; and walk in Thanksgiving.
Written By: Pastor Harli Bellamy-Doss